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All Intention Beads

THIS WEEKEND: Enjoy 20% Off Our Intention Bead Collection. *discount applied at check-out*

These pieces are made with AAA 3mm faceted gemstone beads. They are made with the highest quality, perfectly cut stones and catch the light so beautifully. 

All necklaces feature a shiny sterling silver or 14k gold-fill, hand-stamped charm. Bracelets have an option to add a charm. 

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Joy Intention Necklace | Watermelon TourmalineJoy Intention Necklace | Watermelon Tourmaline
Joy Intention Bracelet | Watermelon TourmalineJoy Intention Bracelet | Watermelon Tourmaline
Serenity Intention Necklace | TurquoiseSerenity Intention Necklace | Turquoise
Serenity Intention Bracelet | TurquoiseSerenity Intention Bracelet | Turquoise
Guardian Intention Necklace | Black TourmalineGuardian Intention Necklace | Black Tourmaline
Guardian Intention Bracelet | Black TourmalineGuardian Intention Bracelet | Black Tourmaline
Limitless Intention Necklace | FluoriteLimitless Intention Necklace | Fluorite
Limitless Intention Bracelet | FluoriteLimitless Intention Bracelet | Fluorite
Renewal Intention Necklace | MoonstoneRenewal Intention Necklace | Moonstone
Renewal Intention Bracelet | MoonstoneRenewal Intention Bracelet | Moonstone
Abundance Intention Necklace | CitrineAbundance Intention Necklace | Citrine
Sold outAbundance Intention Bracelet | CitrineAbundance Intention Bracelet | Citrine
Love Intention Necklace | Rose QuartzLove Intention Necklace | Rose Quartz
Love Intention Bracelet | Rose QuartzLove Intention Bracelet | Rose Quartz
Vitality Intention Necklace | RubyVitality Intention Necklace | Ruby
Vitality Intention Bracelet | RubyVitality Intention Bracelet | Ruby
Peace Intention Necklace | AmethystPeace Intention Necklace | Amethyst
Peace Intention Bracelet | AmethystPeace Intention Bracelet | Amethyst
Enchantment Intention Necklace | TanzaniteEnchantment Intention Necklace | Tanzanite
Enchantment Intention Bracelet | TanzaniteEnchantment Intention Bracelet | Tanzanite
Prosperity Intention Necklace | EmeraldProsperity Intention Necklace | Emerald
emerald intention braceletemerald intention bracelet
Restore Intention Necklace | Pink OpalRestore Intention Necklace | Pink Opal
Restore Intention Bracelet | Pink OpalRestore Intention Bracelet | Pink Opal
Protect Intention Necklace | LabradoriteProtect Intention Necklace | Labradorite
Protect Intention Bracelet | LabradoriteProtect Intention Bracelet | Labradorite
Intuition Intention Necklace | SapphireIntuition Intention Necklace | Sapphire
Intuition Intention Bracelet | SapphireIntuition Intention Bracelet | Sapphire
Sold outTranquility Intention Bracelet | AquamarineTranquility Intention Bracelet | Aquamarine
Sold outTranquility Intention Necklace  | AquamarineTranquility Intention Necklace  | Aquamarine
Wisdom Intention Necklace | Lapis LazuliWisdom Intention Necklace | Lapis Lazuli
Wisdom Intention Bracelet | Lapis LazuliWisdom Intention Bracelet | Lapis Lazuli
Passion Intention Necklace | GarnetPassion Intention Necklace | Garnet
Passion Intention Bracelet | GarnetPassion Intention Bracelet | Garnet
Nurture Intention Necklace | Pink TourmalineNurture Intention Necklace | Pink Tourmaline
Nurture Intention Bracelet | Pink TourmalineNurture Intention Bracelet | Pink Tourmaline
Balance Intention Necklace | PeridotBalance Intention Necklace | Peridot
Balance Intention Bracelet | PeridotBalance Intention Bracelet | Peridot
Heal Intention Necklace | Clear QuartzHeal Intention Necklace | Clear Quartz
Heal Intention Bracelet | Clear QuartzHeal Intention Bracelet | Clear Quartz