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Intention Necklaces

Our finest and most shimmering necklaces- 3mm AAA faceted gemstone beads paired with your choice of 14k gold fill or sterling silver findings and hand-stamped charm. 

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Abundance Intention Necklace | CitrineAbundance Intention Necklace | Citrine
Limitless Intention Necklace | FluoriteLimitless Intention Necklace | Fluorite
Prosperity Intention Necklace | EmeraldProsperity Intention Necklace | Emerald
Wisdom Intention Necklace | Lapis LazuliWisdom Intention Necklace | Lapis Lazuli
Restore Intention Necklace | Pink OpalRestore Intention Necklace | Pink Opal
Renewal Intention Necklace | MoonstoneRenewal Intention Necklace | Moonstone
Protect Intention Necklace | LabradoriteProtect Intention Necklace | Labradorite
Serenity Intention Necklace | TurquoiseSerenity Intention Necklace | Turquoise
Love Intention Necklace | Rose QuartzLove Intention Necklace | Rose Quartz
Love Intention Necklace | Rose Quartz Sale priceFrom €123,95
Joy Intention Necklace | Watermelon TourmalineJoy Intention Necklace | Watermelon Tourmaline
Tranquility Intention Necklace  | AquamarineTranquility Intention Necklace  | Aquamarine
Guardian Intention Necklace | Black TourmalineGuardian Intention Necklace | Black Tourmaline
Peace Intention Necklace | AmethystPeace Intention Necklace | Amethyst
Peace Intention Necklace | Amethyst Sale priceFrom €130,95
Vitality Intention Necklace | RubyVitality Intention Necklace | Ruby
Enchantment Intention Necklace | TanzaniteEnchantment Intention Necklace | Tanzanite
Passion Intention Necklace | GarnetPassion Intention Necklace | Garnet
Intuition Intention Necklace | SapphireIntuition Intention Necklace | Sapphire
Nurture Intention Necklace | Pink TourmalineNurture Intention Necklace | Pink Tourmaline
Balance Intention Necklace | PeridotBalance Intention Necklace | Peridot
Heal Intention Necklace | Clear QuartzHeal Intention Necklace | Clear Quartz